Expressing Condolences - Sayyed Saleh Al Hakim

It was with a great sense of sadness that I learnt of the death of a good friend and fellow pilgrim in life, Sayyed Saleh Al Hakim.  As the President of the Hakim Centre for Dialogue and Co-operation, he embodied in his own person the aims, objectives and values of that institution. Every time I met with him, I came away feeling more enlightened and enriched by our conversation. He lived his faith in a way that he was able to embrace those who were different, and in so doing was able to broaden their perspective and understanding of life. He was a learned and wise man, who was not afraid to engage others in the search of a greater understanding of truth. He was courageous in expressing his opinions, but always ready to listen and to respect a diversity of thought. He inspired optimism about life. With Sayyed Al Hakim in the conversation, I always felt a deep sense of hope for humanity and our common future.I will remain ever thankful for the fact that about ten days before his passing we were able to enjoy a face to face online meeting. His kind words will remain with me always.   My hope and prayer is that what he inspired in his life will live on in the lives of others, and that he will continue to effect change from his rightly deserved place in paradise.  May Allah reward him with many blessings and comfort his family and colleagues at this time of true human sorrow at his passing. I offer my sincere condolences to his family and colleagues.Oliver McTernanDirector Forward Thinking


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